Sunday, February 24, 2008



A week left before my 37 days holiday starts. InsyaAllah I ll travel down to Fukui during the holiday, but not for long. Other than that, I ll spend most of my time at Akita, probably reading some books, or refreshing my knowledge on electric cricuits. I am going to power electronics kenkyushitsu this year, so electric and electronic circuits are inevitable. Chinamini, exam is over. What a relief!

Yesterday fubuki hit Akita. The wind was not very violent, but since it get mixed with yuki, it feels like a needle sticking to the skin when the winds hit my face. Ouch..

Kaimono bag
Shopping bag is not widely used in Japan, but campaign to encourage its usage has been going on for quite a long time. Usually we use plastic bags supplied by the seller. And as a mean to reduce pollution and garbage, plastic bag too must be reduced, so people were encouraged to bring their own bag when shopping. But the common excuse not to bring it is that the size is big.

But now small size and lightweight kaimono bag is easy to get, and there are shopping departments that gives it for free. Last week I got one from a nearby shop. Muryodesu.

I like green. (Right: pretty small, huh... Left: Unfolded)

Its a very small effort, but if all of us do it, insyaAllah it will become big. In Tokyo, plastic bag at shopping departments is not free. You have to pay for it. I am not sure about other countries. Maybe Mr Amir can tell us about France.

Matahari semakin kerap muncul, menandakan penghujung fuyu

Hokano hanashi

Pagi tadi, aku dan ahli usrah selesai berbincang tajuk pengenalan ilmu hadith, setelah 3 kali perjumpaan. Sedikit sebanyak dapat faham tentang sejarah, jenis-jenis hadith, dan hukum-hukumnya. Selama ni aku hanya baca hadith dan ikut saja. Kita wajib berhukum dengan hadith, tetapi kita tak patut ikut sesuatu tanpa ilmu, dengan kata lain, tak boleh ikut membuta tuli. Dan aku sependapat dengan senpai aku, bila aku tengok cara penapisan dan pembukuan hadith-hadith ni, aku dapat rasa yang orang Islam zaman dulu bekerja dengan tekun, teliti dan sistematik. Thanx to them and with Allah's will, the knowledge lives untill now, and it is a great loss if we let it untouched . Sangat banyak yg kita kena belajar kawan-kawan. Aku ni baru nak merangkak. Ramai kawan aku yang dah jauh dihadapan. Ada juga yang belum mulakan langkah lagi. Jangan terlambat.

Kemudian kami berbincang mengenai isu kewajipan dalam pilihanraya. Tak tahulah pendapat kawan-kawan semua. Tapi kita kena ambil tahu, sebab itu berkaitan dengan negara dan masa depan kita. Jangan bersikap tidak peduli. Jangan kerana hidup kita dah senang, makan kita dah terlebih cukup, kita buat tak tahu.

Ok. Hanashi wa kokomadedesu. Tsutzuku.

Nota sisi:
1) mudai = titleless, tidak bertajuk
2) kenkyuushitsu = laboratory, research room
3) fubuki = blizzard, snowstorm
4) yuki = snow
5) senpai = senior
6 kaimono = shopping
7) muryo = free of charge
8) hokano hanashi = kisah lain, cerita lain
9) Hanashi wa kokomadedesu = Sampai sini saja ceritanya
10) Tsuzuku = bersambung, to be continued
11) Chinamini = by the way
12) fuyu = winter

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kimatsu shiken no hanashi...


Kimatsu shiken will start on Thursday. Soro soro, another 12 subjects needed to be cleared. Alhamdulillah, this time I have started my shiken benkyo a little bit early than usual. After the exam, I still have to attend class until 29th of February. It is my last exam as a yonensei before becoming a gonensei . Almost two years have passed since I came to Japan. Time runs fast these days.


In my older posts, sometimes I claimed that I was busy. But one day my sahabat said "Kau sibuk sangat ke? Update la blog sket". And I realized that he is arguing the right thing. We should not easily claim that we are busy, because in reality we are not utilizing the time that we have to the max. How could I say that I am busy, if I could still surf the net, go shopping, chatting or else. For those who are really busy, be grateful because you are utilizing your time at best.

Kesimpulannya, usahlah cepat mengeluh bahawa diri kita ni sibuk. Ada orang lain yang lebih sibuk lagi. Jangan biar masa terbuang begitu sahaja. Isilah masa dengan perkara berfaedah.

Jadual Exam

Kawan-kawan yang lain mungkin ada yang dah habis exam. Mungkin ada juga yang baru nak exam macam aku. Selamat bermujahadah. Haru yasumi mula 1 hb Mac. InsyaAllah aku update lagi nanti. Tsutzuku...

Nota sisi:
kimatsu shiken= peperiksaan akhir sem
hanashi=kisah, cerita
shiken benkyo=belajar untuk exam
yonensei=4th year student
gonensei=5th year student
soro soro=tak lama lagi
haru yasumi=spring holiday