Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Koujou Kengaku


First of all, I would like to wish Salam Aidiladha to everyone... let's celebrate it with modesty. May it bring goodnes to all of us.

Last month I had a trip with my classmates to Tokyo. "Koujou kengaku". Literally, it means "factory visit". But that doesn't mean you can only visit factories.... =). We visited;
-JAL(Japan Airline) maitainance department.
- IHI(some sort of heavy industry factory)
- fujikura(fiber optic manufacturer)
-ALSOK(a security firm. ALways Security OKay)
-NHK(Nippon Housou Kyoukai. In English it means Japan Broadcasting Corporation).

Tokyo and Akita

We were permitted to take pictures only at JAL and ALSOK. Can't complain about that. Information management and security is very strict when we come to companies that deal with technology and manufacturing.

robot ALSOK. Boleh meronda, tapi tak boleh tangkap penjenayah..

Inside JAL maintainence hangar

Airplane cockpit model

It's quite hard for me to describe about each visit in detail, but there is one thing I noticed during the visit. Japanese are extreme hardworkers. Wish I could be like them. But of course, I can be like them. Work as you will live forever, and pray as you will die tomorrow. Ha, betul ke aku translate ni? Ilmu yang dah ada perlu diamal. Kalau belajar tinggi, ilmu banyak, tapi tak kerja, rugilah.

Exam dah habis. Alhamdulillah, result setakat ni masih boleh buat aku senyum. Tapi belum dapat menjamin "keselesaan" untuk tahun hadapan.

Bermula minggu depan, fuyu yasumi akan bermula, tapi kadai dah bersepah. Cuti dua minggu je, tapi jadual aku agak padat. Winter gathering IPIJ di Gifu, kemudian gathering rakan sebatch di Niigata, dan akhir sekali lawatan bersama foreign students lain ke ichinoseki. InsyaAllah aku cerita lagi nanti dengan lebih lanjut. Doakan aku sihat dan selamat... (",)

Nota sisi;
kengaku-lawatan sambil belajar
kadai-tugasan, assignment


fsj said...

salam iduladha :)

OMG! the robot is superb la naim.
memang tak rugila kamu belaja kat sane, banyak mende best especially technology ngan care kerje diorg.

ok, gambate for ur result, pray hard to HIM :)

Anonymous said...


nbo_3 said...

khazinatul- thanx. robot tu gerak pakai roda, takleh naik tangga.

amir-terima kasih