Safely returned from koujou kengaku at Tokyo last friday morning, but things has changed alot. Everything seems whittish and cold. At nighttime tempereture was below freezing point. Ice layers formed on the road, making it slippery. My ears became numb, due to the cold air. Piles of yuki fill the space nearly everywhere. From one point, the scenery was beatiful... subhanAllah, but it was challenging. For the people here, yuki means trouble. In worse cases, transportation comes to a halt, houseroofs collapse.
Akita Eki east entrance... moments after arrival by bus from Tokyo
Frozen road... I should have learned ice skating at sunway pyramid....
The next day... on the way for snowboarding trip..
Wheater forecast said that next week is expected to be warm. Yuki will rapildy melt, except in the mountainous areas. But this is just the beginning of fuyu. Its hard to guess nature. oops.. dah nak exam.. kena pulon.. nanti ada peluang aku cerita sikit tentang koujou kengaku... menarik jugak la... tsutzuku...
nota sisi;
koujou kengaku= lawatan sambil belajar ke kilang-kilang
tsutzuku=to be continued